Utilization of Web-Based Services and Applications for Educational Purposes in Vocational Education and Training (VET)
This paper introduces new web-based tools that can assist the teaching of Informatics courses in a Vocational Education and Training (VET) environment. In order to be able to utilize these tools for educational purposes, a web-based information system needs to be created (analysis, design, implementation, check). Such systems take advantage of already available on-line software which does not require an installation on a localized server, i.e. the installation of software at the individual school Informatics laboratories. This approach meets the educational needs of the courses, and avoids possible costly in terms of time and resources malfunctions. The tools we introduce can thoroughly cover the educational needs of modern Informatics courses which are taught during Vocational Training in accordance with the analytical schedule of the last three grades of Lyceum as well as afterwards.
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