The Special Issue of the 11th Conference on Informatics in Education (CIE2019) is published under the European Journal of Engineering Research and Science (EJERS). The Conference on Informatics in Education is co-organized by the Department of Informatics of University of Piraeus and the Department of Informatics of Ionian University, Greece, in collaboration with the Greek Computer Society (GCS) and under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Education.

In this issue, the published manuscripts are selected under a double peered review process among a significant amount of manuscripts submitted to the annual. In “CIE 2019 Special Issue”, the topics of the articles are mainly focused on information technology in education, on ICT in education or code-programming as well as interdisciplinary practices like STEM, educational software, educational robotics, etc. These topics are aiming to shed light on innovative educational technologies blended with advanced learning processes and techniques, distance learning, virtual environments, social networking, internet security, etc. The selected articles are overall linked to primary, secondary and higher formal education curricula, as well as to non-formal education needs adapted to the digital age requirements.

CIE Committee for EJERS and Editors

Markos Avlonitis, Associate Professor, Department of Informatics, Ionian University

Panagiotis Vlamos, Professor, Department of Informatics, Ionian University

Spyridon Doukakis, PhD, Researcher, Department of Informatics, Ionian University

Antonia Plerou, PhD, Researcher, Department of Informatics, Ionian University

Vasilios S. Belesiotis, PhD, Educational Coordinator of Information Technology, Ministry of Education


A Digital Bulletin Board for the School Community

Panagiotis Karageorgos, Dimitrios Gouvedaris
 Abstract views: 862
  Downloads: 625

Towards A Teaching Model for Managing Students’ Cognitive Load In Activities That Integrate Computational and Mathematical Thinking

Giorgos Panselinas, Manolis Mavrikis, Eirini Geraniou, Popi Anastasiou, Emmanouil Tambouratzis, Emmanouil Kartsonakis
 Abstract views: 446
  Downloads: 391

STEM and Collaborative Learning: An Alternative Approach

Stefanos Nikiforos, Spyros Kolyvas
 Abstract views: 2732
  Downloads: 784

An Example of Designing Modular Vocational Syllabi

Panagiotis S Makrygiannis, A. Paradisi, T. Tsapelas, Evangelos C. Papakitsos, Dimitrios Piromalis
 Abstract views: 351
  Downloads: 383

Interdisciplinary Educational Approach STEM and HASS Knowledge Fields Using ICTs Support. Case of an Application for a Pilot Experiment

Socrates C. Savelides, Rigo Fasouraki, Efthymios Georgousis, Katerina Kolokotroni, Maria S. Savelidi
 Abstract views: 932
  Downloads: 659